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This project was initiated through my personal interest in having access to an organized library of birth stories from a trusted source. I saw the need for a specific venue for these stories and hopefully have made progress towards fulfilling that gap. 


I based my design and method strategies on the intent of making the library readily accessible, interactive, and easy to navigate. I wanted it to be appealing in concept and aesthetics to attract the most users.


It is important to me that this library be neutral and wholistic. As a venue for learning it must remain unbiased so that users have the opportunity to learn by formulating their own opinions. While I have no control over what is written within each individual story, I tried to make my goals clear in encouraging stories of all types and sentiment. By allowing posters to self-categorize, it gives them more control over their contribution. I also want the learning experience to be diverse, so I set out to gather stories not only from brand new mothers, but also from anyone who has had the opportunity to witness a birth. 


Finally, I wanted this subreddit to be a place where women could confidently share their stories without fear of judgment. As mentioned in the next section, birth is highly personal and one's recollection of the event can hold implications for self-perception and the resulting emotions. It is my goal that women who share their stories will receive positive feedback and take some time to read the stories of others. With the option to search by category, they can seek stories similar or completely different than their own. I hope that all story tellers will learn that each experience is unique and valid. 


It is my main objective that in addition to learning, users of /r/birthstories will share joy, find peace, relinquish prejudice, and gain perspective in their journey. 


Continue to Research

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