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As in all life, human existence is dependent on reproduction, with the culminating event of this process being childbirth. Our species has evolved over time in such a way that this event has become so physically demanding that it holds a monumental and dramatic presence in both our collective and personal histories. For women, childbirth is a social encounter, experienced before, during, and long after delivery. In fact, the presence of attendants during childbirth is suggested to have contributed to our evolutionary success (Rosenberg, 118).  Moreover, this social experience has developed into a kind of "rite of passage" among women, evident in ancient mythology and present still today (Armstrong, 40)


Personal birth experiences have been shared through time as a means to prepare and initiate expectant mothers. Story telling is a longstanding tradition, and accounts of childbirth are among the most commonly shared by women. This process fosters learning and builds communities, benefiting both the listener and the story teller symbiotically. The art of the story, developed over time in oral, written, and visual terms has an important impact on its efficacy for learning. 


Expectant mothers often seek various modes in order to become educated for childbirth. In today's society this often is done formally through childbirth education classes. However, with the expansion of the Internet, it is becoming increasingly more common for women to self-educate. Birth stories have an ever-growing presence in the online world and can act as an ideal source of informal learning. The social network Reddit is a venue that is conducive to hosting these stories, providing the opportunity for effective self-initiated education.


Birth Stories


Della Pollock describes hearing her first birth story as leaving her both "devastated and hungry for more" (2). The impending birth of a child produces such a compelling desire for women to seek out stories in preparation for this numinous event. The dichotomy Pollock expresses refers to the fact that these stories, though typically ending in great joy over the birth of a child, often include graphic details of a very painful ordeal. However, Pollock later states, "If I have learned anything about pain from listening to women tell birth stories, it is that pain is ordinary (170).  Davis-Floyd asserts that when expectant mothers hear these stories, they are bestowed the sense of courage and power that women hold as birth givers, making this endeavor feel manageable and even desirable (qtd. in Savage 4). The information and sentiment gleaned will contribute to her preexisting knowledge of the birthing process, influencing her pursuit for a similar experience (Savage 6)


Likewise, the act of sharing a birth story is an important exercise in the process. "After it is over, women often need to talk about the labor, ponder it, mull it over, and make sense of it. They have to put into words what they felt" (Simkin 77). The experience a woman has giving birth will remain with her forever. The way that she processes it will often have an impact on how she regards herself as an individual and even a mother. A perceived negative experience can be linked with depressive thoughts in postpartum women. Furthermore, although the research is limited, there are indications that complicated and negative childbirth experiences can be linked to post-traumatic stress disorder. (Zaers, Waschke, and Ehlert 62). Sharing these stories can act as a way for women to process their story and receive supportive feedback. 



The Art of Story telling and Informal Learning


Women who wish to educate themselves during pregnancy will find success if they possess the tools to create a personal learning environment. Väljataga and Fiedler suggest that to create this, learners will utilize all available instruments and materials, including human resources (59).  Birth stories make up a large component of this environment for expectant mothers.  "Story-telling gives learners permission to tap into the tacit knowledge embedded in their. . . experiences and to learn from each other" (LIndesmit186). According to Pine and Gilmore, this informal learning process is successful for women if it creates experiences that "change them, alter their view of the world, boost their personal capabilities, or instill a sense of wonder, beauty and appreciation" (qtd. in Packer and Ballantyne 331). Because all stories are an art form, their aesthetic presence will ultimately contribute to the nature of the overall knowledge gained. 


Reddit as a Venue for Birth Stories


Online communities are well known for their presence in the world of informal learning, especially in the case of birth stories.  These casually written stories are more emotionally charged because authors feel comfortable providing full detail in an anonymous online setting (Bylund 24). The website Reddit is a popular tool used worldwide by people for various purposes. It acts as a community, giving users the ability to discuss existing material and contribute original content.  As Alverman mentions, the creation of online content is not an individual, but a collective process (17).  With the voting and comment system, Reddit does an excellent job of encouraging this. 


Once shared only orally face-to-face, the growth of technology has allowed for the next natural progression of the story-telling tradition. Through sites like Reddit, these birth stories are now shared globally, making them both universal and diverse. Women learn that birth is a shared experience world-wide, but that each story is unique and holds its own set of joys and challenges. Although they are embarking on the unknown, expectant mothers can take comfort that after delivery, their story will become another stitch in the fabric of this fundamental phenomenon of human nature. 


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