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Well. I had a perfect pregnancy. Boring if you will. Then the day he decided to come everything changed. My liver started going crazy and I developed pre eclampsia.

On 10/1 my contractions started at work. I labored there for about three hours [they were 8 minutes apart and 1 minute long (denying it was happening).

Went home and my folks cooked me dinner and the contractions started to get closer together. By 7 pm they were 5 minutes apart and 45 seconds long and becoming decently painful. Mind you I was still denying labor was happening since I had been having fake labor for a week or so.

I took a bath at about 11 to try and make it stop (always worked with the fake labor) ad they kept coming. This is when I knew it must be real.

By about 1am (10/2 the day of my scheduled induction) I had my hubby drive me to the hospital because they were now 3 minutes apart and 30 seconds long. We made it to the hospital and they sent me up to labor and delivery. I got checked out there and was only at. 3cm and 80% effaced.

Here they noticed my blood pressure and they struggled to get his heartbeat unless I was flat on my back. Which sucked because I could only pain manage the contractions standing up. By 4 I was admitted getting and epidural due to back labor. At this point I was at 5cm and 90% effaced. They placed my epidural and one hour later I was at 7cm and 100% effaced. (Though little Robbie was staying at -1 station. It was at this point my labs came back showing my liver was acting terrible.

So unfortunately they had to put me on the magnesium drip to keep me from having seizures and to get my liver to calm the heck down. Sadly the mag drip stops smooth muscles so my contractions stopped.

They started pitocin to keep things moving. And by 12pm I was ready to start pushing. Unfortunately by this point the magnesium drip had taken all my energy so I kept fading in and out. The nurses had to wake my so I could push. I pushed for 2 hours before little guy arrived. Literally sleeping in between contractions. (Seriously my liver f'd me)

He came out and they put him on my chest. I knew right away he wouldn't be staying with me long. He didn't cry for what felt like forever and his color was awful. The nurses took him and paged the pediatrician. They got him breathing and ready to go to our NICU (only set up for breathing hoods so nothing too serious). It was absolutely terrifying but he was out within a day and a half.

He was born at 2pm on 10/2 weighing 6#9oz. He didn't lose any weight in the hospital or right after. By his follow up with the pediatrician the following Friday he was 6#15oz.

Long story short: Pregnancy was boring. Labor was sketchy. The drugs I was on made it difficult to be at all aware of what was going on. I don't remember a lot without a reminder from my hubby. Baby is doing great now.

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