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At 34 weeks, we discovered that Thing 1 was frank breech (and had been for about six weeks). As our birth plan was for a completely natural and un-medicated birth, this posed a bit of an issue. With this being my first baby, neither my doctor nor the perinatologist would consider anything other than a scheduled c-section if Matilda did not flip on her own. So, S and I started praying, reading and researching, and trying every recommended method for turning a breech baby: from standing on my head (very uncomfortable even when not preggers) to acupuncture to chiropractics. And, praise the Lord, within two weeks (after lots of pray and one very successful trip to the chiropractor) she flipped.

My mom arrived on June 23 and we started walking. We were all sure that Thing 1 would be early. Her (estimated) due date was July 4, 2010. What do you know ~ July 4 came and went…no Thing 1. We walked and walked and walked some more. My dad and sis came and went…still no Thing 1. Again, we tried acupuncture, walking, castor oil…you name it we tried it…we even tried to bowl her out (Wii bowling and Frisbee golf every night for three weeks didn’t seem to help). The doc scheduled us for induction on July 12. Disappointed but wanting only what was best for my little bunny, we began to pray and accept a change in our birth plan.

Sunday afternoon, July 11, in the middle of what could have been the best game of my Wii bowling career…my REAL contractions began. At 5:30, I looked at Seth and said “I can’t do this anymore” ~ S: replied, “let’s just finish this game…” ~ Me: “no, seriously, I think I am going into labor.” With contractions 3 minutes apart and 60 seconds long, we headed to the hospital. Everyone but me thought I might be there too early (2 cm dilated and 100% effaced) and the nurses in triage sent me walking! For an hour and a half, I walked until my contractions were two minutes apart and still about 60 seconds long. Back in triage (only 4 cm dilated at this point), a reluctant nurse called my doctor and they started to make preparations for sending me to a birthing suite. Finally, at about nine o’clock, I began to make my way to the birthing suite. Once in the birthing suite, things progressed quite rapidly. Thing 1 decided she was ready to come…after three hours of active labor and only 45 minutes of pushing we finally met our precious baby girl.

Early on S and I decided that we wanted our birth to be completely natural and un-medicated. After making this choice, we began to educate ourselves on the entire process. We researched and decided that the Bradley Method/Approach to Childbirth suited us best. We attended 12 weeks of in-depth childbirth classes to prepare us for the big event. The class taught us everything from nutrition to infant care to techniques for labor. While we realize that natural childbirth may not be for everyone, it was certainly the best choice for us. The end result was a quicker labor, less recovery time, and an experience I will never forget. I felt so connected with this amazing process.

And that’s it. That was my first experience. This story was written shortly after she was born. Looking back, I realize just how intense this process was. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. It was earthy, natural, not at all glamorous, lots of pain, sweat and tears and feelings of "I. CAN. NOT. DO. THIS" and "NO! I really can't do this"! I was exhausted from the intense labor. In an effort to avoid an IV I ate and drank throughout my labor (recommendation from the Bradley Method). Therefore, right after delivery, I proceeded to throw everything I had eaten and drank up. And then asked for a Boca burger I have ever eaten!!!

My second was slightly different. Another frank breech baby, more chiropractics and acupuncture to avoid a c-section. She flipped. Also, another late baby, but this time we were less inclined to "do everything we could to bring on baby." I actually thought that Thing 2 was going to be an early baby. I was dilated to 4 cm four weeks before she was due, had a high leak (that was plugged by her engaged head), and had already done this once. Wrong! She was coming when she was ready and not a minute before. This pregnancy (and my birth plan) was complicated a bit by a diagnosis of Group B Strep. Therefore, as soon as I started to feel the "REAL" labor pains, we had to go in to begin antibiotics. On a Thursday night, after my house was silent for two days, the contractions started. For me, contractions meant labor. They started slow and steady. I could still walk, talk and move around through them. But on doc's orders we called in the babysitters, stopped by whole foods for labor snacks and headed to the hospital. I called my mom to tell her to pray that I wasn't going in too soon (I really should know better;). Contractions were still easy and bearable. We entered triage, nurses offered me an epidural, I refused and said I was going all natural, received skeptical looks, reassured them this wasn't my first rodeo, and started the antibiotics. This was at 7:15. My doctor came in to check me and I was at 5 cm, 90% effaced. Laying down, my contractions were easy and manageable. We agreed that for the next four hours I would just lay down to keep the contractions at bay and allow the medicine work. At 7:45 with antibiotics administered, I was moved to a birthing suite. That move was the straw that broke the camels back. Active labor began. Things were intense for the next trying to get comfortable and find the right positioning through this delivery. Tried the jacuzzi (Water IS NOT my best friend during labor...too stimulating). FAIL. I was still not dilating. At 8:55, I told the nurse I had to push. She cked me, only 9 cm, and headed to get the doc. Five minutes later, my water broke, and at 9:08 Thing 2 was born!!! Excitement!! AND PAIN! This one was much more painful than the first. I told S that there was NO way I could do this and kept thinking to myself "WHY??? AM I NOT getting an epidural? People do it all the time!"

After delivery, I had an uncommon condition in which my placenta would not detach. After manually trying to remove it (although, I agreed to was AWFUL!!!...worse than delivery), the doc began the process for an emergency DNC. Not exactly as planned, but Thing 2 was healthy and with her daddy. I was able to nurse her before I went in. The procedure was quick and before anyone knew it I was back with babe in arms. This did cause a lot of bruising and made breast feeding for the first fews days excruciating. After all that, we had to stay in the hospital extra time because the antibiotics weren't in long enough.

Would I do the same way if given the chance? Absolutely! Tough, but worth it. Totally worth it!

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