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My first daughter was born between the 2 due dates I was given. Basically "on time". I measured small with her, but had gained a good 33 lbs by the end. I was very sick with her all day till about 27 weeks along, which prompted an extra ultrasound to make sure everything was going well. I had chosen an OBGYN group at a hospital that I heard good things about. I also drank red raspberry leaf tea everyday once I was 37 weeks along. The week before i went into labour i had my weekly check up at the doctor. She said she was doing a standard cervical check and stripped my membranes without permission. Did not inform me of what she had done till I asked after as it was uncomfortable. On the Monday I went into labor I woke up at 7 am.I voided my bowels all morning long. I decided to clean the house and watch some tv. At 10:30 am I started to get some tightening that would travel from my stomach to my back. I hopped in the shower and had a few more of these. I got out and began getting ready for the day. I had a few more and they began coming every 45 seconds every 5 to 6 minutes. I had a handy app on my phone that timed contractions. It was very helpful. At 11:30 I felt I should call the SO and let him know something was happening. He decided to come home and got there around noon. He asked if he could have a shower and I said "I don't see why not, these things take time". While he was in the shower I got a bunch more contractions and they started to be uncomfortable. We decided to head to the hospital as it was a 30 min drive.

That drive was very painful. I was not a fan of sitting while in labour. We got to the hospital, but had no change to pay for parking and the machines debit/cc was down so I waited while my SO ran inside to get change. I was at the hospital around 1pm. Once up in L & D they did not ask me any questions about how far along I was, how far my contractions were etc. All they asked if it was my first baby, and to sit and wait. I had some strong contractions while waiting. Enough that I could not talk or answer questions. They put me into an observation room around 1:30pm. I kept asking for water and was moving about. They kept trying to make me lay still, which was very painful. It was much more manageable if I was standing and rocking. They said they would get me water, but never brought any so I went to the bathroom and drank from the tap. I started to feel a lot of pressure and asked my SO to get someone. The doctor came in and rolled her eyes at me. Saying the first ones always take a while. But she decided to check me as I was thrashing about. She was very surprised. I was 7cm and 0 station, bulging sac. They started getting busy then. Finding me a room.

I found out later it was a very busy day at L & D. Every assesment room was packed, every delivery room, a bunch of scheduled and emergency c-sections, short staffed.

The had me put into a high risk room. By this time I was ripping off my clothing and announcing I was too hot and did not want things around my neck. I was feeling claustrophobic. Definitely in transition. They asked If I wanted a wheelchair to the room or walk. The idea of sitting was not happening. So I barreled into the room while they tried to cover me with a sheet while i walked. Lol, trying to protect my modesty. I had a very unhappy nurse with me and I ended up asking for a new nurse. They kept asking if I wanted the epidurial. I was saying no, then maybe. They said well we will just call him (anistheologist) just in case. He showed up ready to go. Put something in my IV that made me dizzy and sick feeling and placed the epidurial. Then had me sign a form afterwards. Luckily it was well placed. I could still move my feet and walk a half hour after it was out. I felt very pushed into it and disappointed. I really wanted to do it natural, but they kept pushing me. I felt very unsupported and manipulated. My little gal was out about an hour later. 40 mins of pushing. Luckily no tearing or episotomy. The doctor showed up right before she crowned and had me pant through it. She was healthy and born at 4:40pm, 7lbs 6 oz, and 51cm long that afternoon. 6 hrs and 10 mins after I felt the first contraction and she was out. We were able to get a private room that night and get discharged at 11am the next day. We breastfed from day one. But she was very sleepy the first week and would nurse for only a minute before falling asleep. She ended up being on for about 45 mins out of each hour for the first 8 weeks.

I originally wrote my second daughters birth story for birth without fear, found here

 Even though my first was not a positive experience and my second was not at all how I planned it. I found the second experience to be much more positive. I felt heard and much more involved in the process, instead of feeling like I was having things done to me. Every one did their best to keep me informed and gave me choices. I really appreciated that.

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